Speakeasy Cymru
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Rhian Morgan,
e: rhian@speakeasycymru.co.uk
m: 07817 535156
Rhian Morgan

Welcome to Speakeasy Cymru
Canoli'r corff wrth:
Centring the body by:
SpeakEasy Cymru, Voice coach exercises Rhyddhau tensiwn yn yr asgwrn cefn
Releasing tension in the spine
SpeakEasy Cymru, Voice coach exercises Rhyddhau yr pen a'r gwrddf
Releasing the head and neck

Mae Rhian Morgan yn actores brofiadol sydd wedi gweithio yn helaeth ym myd theatr, teledu a radio. Ers pum mlynedd, mae wedi bod yn cynnig hyfforddiant lleisiol - gwaith sy'n esgor ar rhyddhau gwir botensial y llais.

Rhian Morgan is an experienced actress who has worked extensively in theatre, T.V. and radio. Over the past five years she has worked as a voice coach - work which is mainly concerned with releasing the vocal potential.

Mae'r sesiynnau - dros gyfnod o ddeufis - yn cyflwyno sgiliau sy'n para am oes. Daw'r ymarferion o nifer o ffynhonellau o waith helaeth Cicely Berry (RSC) Patsy Rodenburg (RNT) y diweddar Emily Davies (CPC Aberystwyth) ac o brofiad cyfoethog personol.

The sessions - over a period of 8 weeks - offer skills which last a lifetime. The exercises are derived from many sources - Cicely Berry (RSC), Patsy Rodenberg (RNT) the late Emily Davies (UCW Aberystwyth) and from 25 years of experience.

Bwriad yr ymarferion yw dysgu yr unigolyn sut i rhyddhau tensiwn, i ganoli'r corff, i wella ynganu ac i ddad-wneud hen arferion sy'n llyffethair i siarad effeithiol. Wrth i'r unigolyn ddysgu dileu y rhwystrau hyn mae modd esgor ar lais clir hyderus sy'n cyfathrebu mewn modd deinamig.

Speakeasy Cymru aims to help you to release tension, to centre the body, to improve diction and to eradicate old habits which impede good communication. These practices provide the foundation for a clear, dynamic voice and the confidence to use it effectively.

Contact Rhian Morgan on rhian@speakeasycymru.co.uk or 07817 535156.

  e-mail: rhian@speakeasycymru.co.uk